Youth Development Programmes

We roll out youth-centric initiatives that prepare them for the future.


Working and partnering to build a world where all youth can have a better future.

At AHDI, we inspire youths to discover, release and maximize their potentials by capitalizing on proven programmes rather than experiment. We generate results through tried and tested approaches that work by constantly seeking ways to expand our programmes to target a wide range of youths and the challenges they face.
Our programmes focuses on the development of an holistic youth development model that includes; young leaders mentorship program, training sessions on entrepreneurship, team building, youth activation, project management, financial management among others.
Particularly, active and engaged young people are trained in our innovative programmes to plan and implement small social or entrepreneurial projects in their respective communities.


We inspire and empower youths to a life of purpose and leadership.

Youth Development is essential to helping the youth of Nigeria succeed in life. There are far more prospective workers than there are jobs available for them, and many youth are not able to afford to study further and become more specialised. This is where youth development programmes come in. 
By offering young people work readiness programmes, opportunities to advance their education and make a difference in their communities are just some of the ways that youth development can change Nigeria for the better.
Our Youth Development Programmes focuses on youth leadership development in order to empower young people in selected communities to be leaders in their communities and thus help young people reduce their engagement in risky behaviour and foster social change. 
Through skilled volunteers and collaborative partnerships, AHDI is working to help youths and the communities in which they live become more self-sufficient and resilient.

— Context & Strategy

Many of the young people in Nigeria live in marginalized areas with little or no hope for a meaningful and productive future. Due to these unfavourable life circumstances many young people show “negative” rather than “productive” behaviour, and engage in risky behaviour such as violence and crime.
At the same time, youth by their very nature are driven, eager and committed. They have the potential to effect positive change not only in their own lives, but in the lives of others. It is therefore important to engage with youth to help unlock their potential and provide an environment that enables them to become leaders of today and tomorrow.
By providing opportunities to engage in productive activities, developing leadership, life & work skills and strengthening young people’s resilience, our programmes contributes towards youth becoming less prone to be involved in negative activities, which leads to safer and more cohesive communities.
Some of our priorities include: (1). Education and Skills training to improve employability. (2). Enterprise development and Financing.
(3). Entrepreneurship support and Training. (4). Sustainable agriculture. (5). Sustainable natural resource management. (6). Climate change adaptation. (7). Value chains


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